Characteristics of SHARC II/HAWC JFETs measured by D. Dowell

Darren Dowell -- (626)395-6675 (office), -2600 (lab), 796-8806 (FAX)
Last modified Monday, 14-Feb-2000 10:41 PDT

Noise Requirements

SHARC2 JFET specification summary: HAWC JFET specification summary: *******

InterFET NJ132L

I have looked at the noise and DC characteristics of several dozen InterFET NJ132L devices at cold temperatures. Assuming a room temperature sorting by DC parameters, the NJ132L's meet the requirements for SHARC2 with > 80% reliability. With elimination of devices with low room temperature transconductance, the yield may be more like 90%.

Here is a Postscript document I sent to Yerkes in February 1999 in recommendation of the NJ132L's. More detailed tests of 9 additional dies occurred in March 1999. A voltage noise summary follows:
NJ132L noise

The operating temperature for the NJ132L should be >= 110K, although operation at 65K is tempting:
Noise vs. Temp.

Here is the layout of a die:
NJ132L die

Here is a scanned image of the InterFET NJ132L data sheet in Postscript format.

NJ132L Selection at Caltech

We have 1000 dies, dated 4-14-99, lot #903934-6. They were purchased for $2.11 each.


GSFC JFETs -- November 1999

Four JFET samples were obtained from N. Das in Oct. 1999, packaged in transistor caps labeled '4' and '5'.

For the DC measurements, the (common) drain voltage was 5 V. The gates were grounded. The 'source voltage' is measured with a 500 kohm resistor to a -12 V supply. The 'output impedance' is transconductance^-1, measured for I ~ 30 microA.

temperature     JFET source voltages (V)     JFET output impedance (ohm)
-----------     ------------------------     ---------------------------
300 K           2.16, 1.73, 1.75, 1.78       3069, 2576, 2601, 2581
150             1.99, 1.53, 1.55, 1.58       2269, 1734, 1761, 1743
130             1.95, 1.49, 1.52, 1.54       2187, 1664, 1691, 1702
115             1.93, 1.47, 1.49, 1.52       2176, 1667, 1694, 1691
 95             1.89, 1.43, 1.46, 1.48       2241, 1732, 1759, 1740
 88             1.86, 1.41, 1.43, 1.46       2347, 1810, 1822, 1833
 77             1.82, 1.37, 1.39, 1.42       2545, 2011, 2023, 2019
The minimum output impedance (maximum transconductance) occurs at ~120 K.

The voltage noise was measured with the Yerkes 16-channel preamplifier and a Stanford Research spectrum analyzer. The common drain voltage was 5 V, the gates were grounded, and the source terminals were connected to a -12 V supply through a 500 kohm resistor. The operating current was ~25 microA.

The first JFET was not measured due to a problem in the preamplifier channel 1.

At room temperature, the JFETs are noisy (~85 nV Hz^-1/2). The optimum noise performance occurs at ~90 K, for which the intrinsic voltage noise is approximately:

This is reasonably good performance. However, the median performance of an InterFET under the same conditions is as good or better, and the output impedance is lower by nearly a factor of 2.

SHARC2 Readout

SHARC2 has requirements on both noise and the DC parameters. The requirements are based on the expected detector noise and the readout scheme. The primary readout scheme calls for pairs of 2 pixels from a 32-detector row to be differenced in hardware, similar to the successful SuZIE instrument at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO):
AC-biased readout
The AD624 is operated with a gain of 100 (AC and DC). To keep the DC output in comfortable range of the supplies, the JFET source voltages need to be matched to within 50 mV, which would result in an output of 5V. Matching the source voltages may also have the advantage of matching the JFET gain. An AC-biased readout scheme has been tested at Caltech; here is a picture of our prototype circuit to read 4 pixels:
differential readout
One final note about the AC-biased readout -- the detector impedance should be on the low side (5-10 Mohms) to minimize the glitches at the transition of the bias voltage. This makes more stringent requirements on the amplifier; however, an advantage of relatively high modulation frequency (~30 Hz) is gained.

In case the primary readout scheme fails for some reason (unmatched JFETs, unmatched detectors, low detector yield, very high detector impedances, ...), we will fall back to the traditional DC-biased readout, although there will be significant disadvantages to the instrument capability:
DC-biased readout
For a DC-biased SHARC2 readout, the requirement is for low noise (<= 15 nV/ sqrt(Hz)) at 3 Hz, because this is approximately the maximum signal modulation frequency at the CSO. A large (10-40 Mohm) detector impedance can help beat the amplifier noise.

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