U. Wisconsin Results

Darren Dowell -- (626)395-6675 (office), -2600 (lab), 796-8806 (FAX)
Last modified Tuesday, 9-May-2000 06:27 PDT

Fits to 200 mK IV Curves

Wisconsin IV, 2A device Wisconsin IV, 2B device

The fit parameters for the U. Wisconsin data are compared to the median Caltech results below. Both samples came from wafer 5347. Wisconsin measured RH6, and Caltech measured RH7.

                        R      R
          R0    T0    0.3 K  0.5 K   G0=G(1 K)          G(0.3 K)   G(0.5 K)
bol/grp  ohms    K    Mohms  Mohms  W/K^(beta+1)  beta     W/K       W/K
-------  ----  -----  -----  -----  ------------  ----  ---------  ---------
UW26 2A  1865  32.87   65.5   6.19    88.9 e-9    3.50   1.31 e-9   7.84 e-9
CIT  2A  1952  30.40   44.0   4.55    40.0 e-9    2.69   1.57 e-9   6.20 e-9

UW24 2B  1650  34.72   77.6   6.86     1.40e-9    1.52   0.22 e-9   0.49 e-9
CIT  2B  1957  29.47   39.4   4.22     1.21e-9    1.37   0.23 e-9   0.47 e-9

Alternate Fits to IV Curves

  1. First calculate thermistor behavior:
             R(0.229K)  R(1.67K)   R0    T0
    bol/grp     Mohm      Mohm    ohms    K
    -------  ---------  --------  ----  -----
    UW  avg     322      0.157    1771  33.59
  2. Next calculate power P and temperature T for each point in IV curve.
  3. Graph dP/dT = G:

    Wisconsin G vs. T

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